Teachers Training Institute

Great interest and enthusiasm for EDU Q-card

The EDU-Q-card is not a panacea, because its strength lies, of course, in how people choose to use it to ensure continuing, sustainable improvement. It helps enormously if the Teacher Training Institutes are also involved. They form the basis of the teaching skills of teachers. And they follow the most recent educational developments. This includes the EDU Q-card, which is being received with great enthusiasm by more and more schools in many different countries.

‘The EDU Q-card has really helped me. I know that it is enabling me to guide the teachers and the school management and the department to provide high quality education and to nuture holistically focussed and well rounded children in Uganda.’
Kabahwesa Lilian, Coordinating Centre Tutor, Uganda, district Luwero

‘With the EDU Q-card you immediately address both the strengths and needs of those on the front line.’
Sakaya John, Coordinating Centre Tutor, Uganda, Nakasake District


A full brochure about the EDU Q-card you can download here.