Why donate?
Children and adolescents. Education. Opportunities for all.
These are appealing themes. And rightly so, because our world is eagerly looking for motivated and enterprising young people who are willing to take on major challenges.
It is logical that companies, organisations and institutions are happy to support such themes with their commitment, knowledge and money.
Advantages to donors
The advantages to donors of supporting the EDU Q-card include:
- a valuable, social, return on investment that can be measured not only in monetary terms;
- projects can be quickly scaled up to a size where they have a groundbreaking impact;
- sustainable resource; effective with regard to long term bonding;
- no complicated, vague constructions: the EDU Q-card is simple and extremely easy to understand;
- costs are also 100% transparent; immediate clarity about the destination of the money;
- the EDU Q-card is supported by ministries and educational organisations.
Who is already donating?
Edukans's EDU Q-card is already receiving positive support from donors who are convinced of its value. UNICEF supports the project in Suriname and Ethiopia (Afar region) and in Kenya, the Porticus Foundation is its largest supporter. They have already noted the contribution the EDU Q-card makes to sustainable educational improvement. And knowing that the relevant ministries of education endorse the strength and effectiveness of the EDU Q-card gives confidence about the long-term future of the project.
More information
Are you interested as a donor or a sponsor?
Please fill in this contact form or send an e-mail to and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.