About Edukans
Edukans is an international NGO with headquarters in the Netherlands and country offices in Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. We provide marginalised children and youngsters around the world with basic education and vocational training. We focus on four key themes: quality basic education, vocational education, education in emergencies and equal opportunities for boys and girls.
Edukans Group
The Edukans Group consists of Edukans International and five strong independent strategic partners. Each partner within the Edukans Group is committed to the shared mission:
‘Worldwide, we are creating opportunities enabling children and young people to shape their futures with confidence.’
The Edukans Group consists of:
- Ethiopia: Edukans Foundation and Development Expertise Center (DEC)
- The Netherlands: Edukans Foundation (Edukans)
- Uganda: Edukans Foundation and Education Local Expertise Center Uganda (Elecu)
- Malawi: Edukans Foundation and Education Expertise Development Foundation (EEDF)
- Ghana: Savana Signatures (SavSign)
Edukans strives for a high level of integrity. This is reflected in a safe working environment for all our employees and volunteers and in dealing with integrity in relation to the people we work with.
To achieve this, we have drawn up a Code of Conduct that is signed by everyone who represents and works on behalf of Edukans. This code of conduct focuses on preventing:
- Abuse of power: corruption, conflicts of interest and partiality, disclosure of confidential information, culpable negligence;
- Financial offenses: fraud, theft, misappropriation of property or services, willful waste;
- Interpersonal violations: discrimination, humiliation, violence, bullying, (sexual) harassment, (sexual) violence.
In addition, integrity is a topic of discussion within the organization, so that awareness of this subject is increased. In this way we create an organizational culture in which people dare to address each other and in which reporting abuses is encouraged.
Report an issue
If you witness or have been a victim of inappropiate behaviour or a (possible) violation of integrity, please report this to our Integrity Officer via integrity@edukans.nl. Reports are treated confidentially.
If you prefer, you can file a report anonymously. Please follow this link to the web portal contracted externally and hosted by Navex. When you file a report here, you will receive an automated personal ID for follow-up.
Process and integrity policy
Below you can view our integrity policy and the code of conduct. Our integrity policy contains more information about how a report is handled.